In The Shadows

Public Art Design, Photography

A photographic exploration of the impermanent art pieces created by Alexa across the Greater Los Angeles landscape.

Client: Personal Project
Year: 2020-2021
Tools: Spray Paint, iPhone XR, Photoshop

Currently Listening To: “This Night Has Opened My Eyes” by The Smiths
Pair It With: 
Domaine Tempier Bandol Rosé (preferably in a red Solo Cup)

Criminal Art

Alexa likes painting graffiti. Perhaps as a means of personal expression, or maybe she just needs to feel alive again—freed from burdens and finally able to breathe. She paints with ease; the curves of each letter flow effortlessly, and her focus can center on the present moment. The motions become meditative, the entire process, soul cleansing.
    The feelings Alexa associates with graffiti stray far from popular opinion; she knows that, but the art form is also often misunderstood. Graffiti’s presence creates an ever-changing public art gallery bringing life to the city’s walls. Its mix of vibrant colors and unpredictable organic shapes add to the rich tapestry that gives cities a sense of place. Without its blocks of color to break up the static landscape, the streets would lose some of their excitement and everything would remain a bit lackluster.

© 2022 Alexa Rose

© 2022 Alexa Rose